2025 © RS Team S.C. All rights reserved.


Our vision is to fully digitise the work of the dental sector. We want the solutions created in dental practices and prosthetic laboratories to set the standard for how future medical professionals should work.

To make it a reality, RS-Team shares expertise and offers proven technology solutions to enable holistic digital transformation in your practice or lab, no matter its size.


Jakub Szymaniak

Co-founder of RS-Team, a Polish MedTech brand specialising in medical devices and services for medical professionals. A graduate of the Faculty of Dental Medicine at the Medical University of Warsaw with a specialisation in dental technology. He has been involved in the medical industry since the very beginning of his career. He was one of the pioneers who, since 2006, helped introduce CAD/CAM technology to Polish clinics, dental practices, and prosthetic laboratories. As a trainer, he has personally supported hundreds of medical professionals in their growth towards digitisation. In 2013, together with Grzegorz Romek, he founded RS-Team, a brand specialising in producing top-quality medical devices and services for the dental care sector. He is responsible for developing new proprietary solutions based on CAD technology and relations with key partners of the company. He also coordinates the brand's training offerings for medical professionals and coordinates the RS-Team prosthetics lab. He is passionate about motorsports and sports in his private life. Jakub is also a huge basketball enthusiast.

Grzegorz Romek

Co-founder of RS-Team, a Polish MedTech brand specialising in medical devices and services for medical professionals. In 2001, after graduating from the Faculty of Dental Medicine at the Medical University of Warsaw as a dental technician, he became professionally involved in the dental industry. He was one of the first people in Poland to implement CAD/CAM technology into prosthetic processes around 2006. Soon afterwards, he began to pass on his knowledge and experience to others as part of his training activities, thus supporting the digitisation of Polish dentistry and prosthetics. In 2013, together with Jakub Szymaniak, he founded RS-Team, a brand specialising in producing top-quality medical devices and services for the dental care sector. He is responsible for coordinating the R&D team that develops world-breaking advanced medical devices and software. In his private life, he is a cycling enthusiast and a metalworking and machine construction enthusiast.

Company history

RS-Team started in 2013, but its founders—Grzegorz Romek and Jakub Szymaniak—began their work on digitising dentistry much earlier. They were the first in Poland to introduce CAD/CAM technologies to dental treatment and organised one of our country's first training courses in this field. These experiences led them to open their own company, RS-Team.

In 2014, the company delivered its first milling machine that milled not only in soft materials but also in chrom-cobalt and titanium. In 2016, the first milling machine that used a magnetic scale instead of a screw was introduced. The following years brought further premieres. For example, in 2017, the RS-Eco milling machine appeared. It was available to a much more comprehensive range of customers thanks to its small size. Since 2020, the company has also been the exclusive supplier of scanners to the Medicover Stomatologia network.

During its 8 years of activity, the company has built its reputation in Poland and abroad. RS-Team milling machines are used by doctors in Germany, Russia, the Czech Republic, and even Thailand. The international reputation and trust are also confirmed because RS-Team was the first company in Poland to be awarded the title of 3Shape Trios Official Partner by Danish intraoral scanner manufacturer 3Shape in 2021.